2023 – The Future of Solar Panels

Solar energy is an essential component of the transition to renewable energy. Solar panels are a reliable and cost-effective way to generate electricity, and the technology behind them continues to evolve rapidly. In recent years, researchers have made significant advances in solar panel technology, and the future looks bright for solar energy.

One of the most exciting developments in solar panel research is the advancement of perovskite solar cells. These cells use a special type of crystalline structure called perovskite to absorb sunlight and generate electricity. Perovskite solar cells have the potential to be even more efficient than traditional silicon solar cells, with efficiencies of up to 50%. Additionally, they can be produced using simple manufacturing processes, making them cheaper and more accessible than traditional solar panels.

Another area of solar panel research is the development of tandem solar cells. Tandem solar cells combine different types of solar cells to capture a broader range of the solar spectrum. By using multiple layers of solar cells with different materials, researchers hope to create solar panels that can convert a higher percentage of sunlight into electricity. This technology is still in the early stages of development, but it has the potential to significantly increase the efficiency of solar panels.

Researchers are also working on improving the durability and longevity of solar panels. Solar panels are exposed to harsh weather conditions and environmental factors that can cause them to degrade over time. Researchers are working to develop new materials and coatings that can protect solar panels from the elements and extend their lifespan.

Another area of research is the integration of solar panels with other technologies, such as energy storage systems and electric vehicles. By combining solar panels with energy storage systems, homeowners and businesses can store excess energy generated by their solar panels for use later. This can help to offset the variability of solar energy production and make it a more reliable source of electricity. Integrating solar panels with electric vehicles can also help to reduce the carbon footprint of transportation by using renewable energy to power vehicles.

The future looks bright for solar energy. As technology continues to improve, solar panels will become more efficient, durable, and affordable. Solar energy has the potential to become a significant source of energy for homes, businesses, and entire communities. With the right incentives and policies, we could see widespread adoption of solar energy in the near future.

One of the most significant barriers to the adoption of solar energy is the initial cost of installation. While the cost of solar panels has decreased significantly over the past decade, it can still be a significant investment for homeowners and businesses. However, there are many incentives and financing options available that can help to offset the initial cost of installation. In addition, as the technology improves, the cost of solar panels is expected to continue to decrease, making them even more accessible.

Another challenge facing the widespread adoption of solar energy is the variability of solar energy production. Solar panels only generate electricity when the sun is shining, which can make it difficult to rely solely on solar energy for electricity. However, as mentioned earlier, integrating solar panels with energy storage systems can help to address this challenge.

In conclusion, solar energy is an essential component of the transition to renewable energy. As technology continues to improve, solar panels will become more efficient, durable, and affordable. With the right policies and incentives, we could see widespread adoption of solar energy in the near future. Solar energy has the potential to help us reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change, making it an essential part of the sustainable energy mix.

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Seraphim announce 580 W TOPCon solar panels.

Seraphim, one of the leading solar module manufacturers in the world, has announced the launch of their new 580 W TOPCon solar panels. The panels are touted to have an impressive efficiency rate of 22.45%, which is a remarkable achievement in the solar industry. This development is a significant breakthrough in the technology of photovoltaic cells, which generate electricity from sunlight.

In order to create the ultimate cost-effective product, Seraphim launched a new generation of ultra-high efficiency modules, the S5 bifacial series. The new series integrates 210mm silicon wafers, with PERC, bifacial, multi-busbar cell technology and high-density encapsulation. The maximum power output on the front side of the two formats, 60 and 66, have both exceeded 600W. Meanwhile, based on different installation environments, the rear side power generation gain is between 10-30%.
Seraphim S5 Bifacial Solar Panel
In order to create the ultimate cost-effective product, Seraphim launched a new generation of ultra-high efficiency modules, the S5 bifacial series. The new series integrates 210mm silicon wafers, with PERC, bifacial, multi-busbar cell technology and high-density encapsulation. The maximum power output on the front side of the two formats, 60 and 66, have both exceeded 600W. Meanwhile, based on different installation environments, the rear side power generation gain is between 10-30%. (source)

In a statement released by Seraphim, the company said that their new solar panel design is equipped with the latest technology, making it more efficient and cost-effective. The TOPCon technology used in the panels allows for higher energy yields, enabling the panels to produce more power with less space. The company further added that their panels have undergone rigorous testing and are rated to withstand extreme weather conditions, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.

“We are excited to announce the launch of our new 580 W TOPCon solar panels, which are the result of years of research and development. With our latest technology, we are confident that our panels will help our customers achieve their renewable energy goals and contribute to a sustainable future,” said Polaris Li, CEO of Seraphim.

The new solar panels by Seraphim have set a new benchmark for efficiency in the industry. The average efficiency rate of solar panels available in the market is around 16-18%, while the previous generation of TOPCon panels had an efficiency rate of around 21%. Seraphim’s new panels have exceeded this benchmark by achieving an efficiency rate of 22.45%, making them one of the most efficient solar panels available in the market today.

This breakthrough in solar panel technology is not only significant for the industry but also for the environment. The increased efficiency rate means that less space is required to produce the same amount of energy, resulting in reduced land use and environmental impact. It also means that more energy can be produced using the same amount of resources, which could lead to a reduction in the cost of solar energy.

In conclusion, Seraphim’s new 580 W TOPCon solar panels with 22.45% efficiency are a significant development in the solar industry. The increased efficiency rate and advanced technology used in these panels are expected to contribute to the growth of renewable energy and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. As Polaris Li, CEO of Seraphim, stated, “With this latest development, we hope to lead the way in the solar industry and continue to innovate towards a sustainable future.”


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Solar feed-in tariffs in Australia: a guide

Solar feed-in tariffs are incentives offered to encourage households and businesses to generate renewable energy through solar panels. These tariffs are paid to solar panel owners for the excess electricity they generate and export back to the grid. Each state in Australia has its own solar feed-in tariff scheme, which varies in terms of eligibility criteria, rates, and payment mechanisms. In this article, we will explore the different solar feed-in tariffs across states and territories in Australia.

New South Wales (NSW)

In NSW, the solar feed-in tariff is determined by electricity retailers and is not set by the state government. The rate varies between retailers and can range from 5 cents to 20 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh). However, as of January 2022, the NSW government introduced a new Solar for Business Program that provides financial assistance to small and medium-sized businesses for installing solar panels. Under this program, eligible businesses can receive a solar feed-in tariff of up to 14 cents per kWh for excess energy exported to the grid. (source: https://www.energy.nsw.gov.au/saving-energy-and-bills/solar-battery-and-renewable-energy/solar-feed-in-tariff)


In Victoria, the solar feed-in tariff rate is determined by the state government and is set at a minimum of 10.2 cents per kWh for residential solar systems. The rate is reviewed annually and may change depending on market conditions. In addition to the feed-in tariff, the Victorian government also offers a Solar Homes Program that provides rebates and interest-free loans for households to install solar panels. (source: https://www.solar.vic.gov.au/solar-feed-tariff)


In Queensland, the solar feed-in tariff rate is also determined by the state government and is set at a minimum of 7.842 cents per kWh for systems up to 30kW in size. However, the rate can vary depending on the electricity retailer and the size of the solar system. The Queensland government also offers a Solar Bonus Scheme that provides a feed-in tariff of 44 cents per kWh for households that installed solar panels before July 2012. (source: https://www.qld.gov.au/housing/buying-owning-home/solar-bonus-scheme)

South Australia

In South Australia, the solar feed-in tariff is determined by the state government and is set at a minimum of 10.1 cents per kWh for residential systems. However, some electricity retailers may offer higher rates. The South Australian government also offers a Home Battery Scheme that provides subsidies for households to install battery storage systems to complement their solar panels. (source: https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/energy-and-environment/solar-battery-scheme/solar-feed-in-tariffs)

Western Australia

In Western Australia, the solar feed-in tariff is also determined by electricity retailers and can vary between 7 cents to 10 cents per kWh. However, the state government has announced that it will introduce a voluntary buyback scheme for excess solar energy generated by households. The scheme is expected to commence in mid-2023 and will pay a fixed rate of 10 cents per kWh. (source: https://www.wa.gov.au/government/publications/solar-feed-tariffs)


In Tasmania, the solar feed-in tariff is determined by electricity retailers and can range from 5 cents to 12 cents per kWh. However, as of January 2022, the Tasmanian government has introduced a Solar for Business Program that provides financial assistance to small and medium-sized businesses for installing solar panels. Under this program, eligible businesses can receive a solar feed-in tariff of up to 12 cents per kWh for excess energy exported to the grid.

Northern Territory

In the Northern Territory, the solar feed-in tariff is also determined by electricity retailers and can vary between 8 cents to 22 cents per kWh. However, the Northern Territory government does not have any specific solar incentive schemes for households or businesses.

In conclusion, the solar feed-in tariff schemes across states and territories in Australia vary in terms of rates, eligibility criteria, and payment mechanisms. While some states have government-mandated minimum rates, others rely on electricity retailers to determine the rate. It is important for households and businesses to research and compare different solar feed-in tariff schemes before deciding to install solar panels to maximize the benefits of generating renewable energy.


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Newcastle Airport and Snowy Hydro to aim for 100% renewable energy.

Newcastle Airport in Australia has recently announced a new agreement with energy provider Snowy Hydro, aimed at achieving 100% renewable energy usage for the airport. This agreement is a major step towards reducing the airport’s carbon footprint and promoting sustainability in the aviation industry.

According to Jonathan Levy, Director of Policy and Strategy at the Environmental Defense Fund, “This is a great step forward in reducing the environmental impact of the aviation industry. By committing to 100% renewable energy usage, Newcastle Airport is showing leadership in the sector and setting an example for other airports to follow.”

Under the agreement, Snowy Hydro will provide Newcastle Airport with 100% renewable energy from sources such as wind, solar, and hydro power. This will include the installation of solar panels on the airport’s terminal building, as well as the purchase of renewable energy certificates to offset any remaining emissions.

Peter Cock, CEO of the Regional Aviation Association of Australia, commented that “This is an exciting development for Newcastle Airport and the wider region. By switching to renewable energy sources, the airport is not only reducing its carbon footprint but also demonstrating its commitment to sustainable tourism. This is likely to be a major drawcard for environmentally conscious travelers.”

The move towards renewable energy is part of Newcastle Airport’s wider sustainability strategy, which also includes initiatives such as reducing waste and promoting sustainable transport options. The airport aims to become carbon neutral by 2025, and this new agreement with Snowy Hydro will play a key role in achieving this goal.

The aviation industry is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, and airports have a significant role to play in reducing the industry’s impact on the environment. Newcastle Airport’s commitment to renewable energy is therefore an important step towards a more sustainable aviation industry, and it sets an example for other airports to follow.

In addition to its environmental benefits, the agreement with Snowy Hydro is also expected to result in cost savings for Newcastle Airport. Renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly competitive with traditional fossil fuels, and by switching to renewable energy, the airport is likely to see a reduction in its energy bills over time.

The move towards renewable energy is also likely to have wider economic benefits for the region. By promoting sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint, Newcastle Airport is positioning itself as a leader in sustainable tourism. This is likely to appeal to environmentally conscious travelers, and could help to boost tourism in the region.

Overall, Newcastle Airport’s new agreement with Snowy Hydro is a positive step towards a more sustainable aviation industry. By committing to 100% renewable energy usage, the airport is setting an example for other airports to follow and demonstrating its commitment to reducing its impact on the environment. With initiatives like this, the aviation industry can continue to make progress towards a more sustainable future.

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How much electricity does a solar panel generate per day? What’s a tier 1 panel?

Having the world’s highest average solar radiation per square meter, Australia is considered the most potential and viable solar energy source whether you’re a home or a commercial entity looking to install panels on your premises.

Choosing the right solar system can be very confusing as there’s a lot of misleading jargon and buzzwords – especially with the solar panels! You’ll also have to ensure they are compatible with your entire solar system – you’ve then got to see how they interact with each other before trying to calculate their output, which can be challenging as well.

It is impossible to tell you with certainty that your solar panel produces this much power – as this varies from brand to brand and panel to panel. There’s also something else you need to consider in addition to choosing a panel – the quality of manufacturer, generally ranked via solar panel tiers.

How much electricity does a solar panel generate per day? Photo by Ryan Searle on Unsplash

How are solar panels tiered?

Solar panels are categorized into three tiers, with tier 1 as the best. This can affect output depending on the brand and number of watts per panel (especially over longer periods of time). Your location will also be important – obviously someone in Australia is going to get better value out of a solar installation than someone in Glasgow (only 50 days of sunshine a year there…).

Let’s discuss the concept of a Tier 1 solar panel. This is a bit of a misnomer – in the sense that Tier 1 or Bank-ability solar panels come from companies which have been in the industry for many years and are financially capable of dealing with your warranty issues, repairing issues or any problems you encounter over the ~10 years you will use their product. That’s my convoluted way of saying Tier 1 denotes the ranking of the manufacturer itself, not the solar panel. It is the manufacturer who will back up your product in the case of potential future defective panels or installations. Banks or investors may not want to put their money in your solar power project (commercial solar or residential) unless they’re satisfied your manufacturers are likely to be around if and when your solar systems malfunction. How many successful projects has the company undertaken? How long have they been around? The answers to these questions will impact which tier the manufacturer is.

It is important to keep in mind that Tier 2 or Tier 3 solar panels are not always a poor choice per se – these manufacturers can also offer high quality panels, it’s just riskier to rely on them because the company is recently established, and you may not be sure how long they’ll be in the industry. Maybe their manufacturing standards aren’t as robust as some of the bigger brands – as always, you get what you pay for. It’s a matter of weighing up the pros and cons and ensuring your solar investment is making money within your risk tolerance. And if you’re going for a bigger installation, it’s generally worth going for a quality manufacturer and a tier 1 panel. Preferably more than one, but you get the point.

Who chooses solar panel tiers?

This tier-based ranking (remember, it’s per manufacturer, not per panel) is decided by Bloomberg New Energy Finance – a research organization. There are other ‘tier’ lists out there which are better off avoided as it can be very confusing – the Bloomberg list has been well trusted for a long time.

If you’re interested in more detail in how a company’s tier is decided, the official BloombergNEF site has a useful PDF you can download here.

Just remember, there’s a lot of marketing involved in solar, so be sure to ask as many questions as you can to the salesperson. Grab a copy of the spec sheet for the panels they’re showing you and check it out yourself. Do your due diligence and you can even end up with a cashflow positive solar installation.

How much electricity does a solar panel generate per day?

Your location and the amount of watts in the solar panel will also impact the amount of power your panels are able to generate. solar panels will be in terms of making the most of the solar power.

Your inverter also plays an important role in regulating and maximising generation of solar power. A top-notch quality solar inverter determines how well your solar output is distributed, applicable once the DC power turns into AC.

In Australia you can generally bank on 10-12 hours of sunlight during summer. For simplicity’s sake, let’s call average sunlight 10 hours for our calculation, and the capacity of the solar panel we’re measuring is 300 watts:

Total Watts = Average time of sunlight x Solar Panels watts x Number of Panels

= 10 x 300 x 1

= 3000 Watts Hour or 30KWH Daily

But we also need to consider solar panel efficiency. A solar panel has a maximum of 15–22% efficiency, due to the Shockley-Queisser limit silicon panels will never reach greater than 1/3 efficiency.

Let’s calculate total watts from a single panel, daily, with 20% efficiency:

3000 Watts x 20% = 600 Watt Hours or 0.66KWH per day.

If you want to measure solar output you have numerous options depending on which inverter you’ve chosen. Most of them offer a web-based interface so you can keep an eye on how much money you’re saving – you could even pipe the solar statistics to a Raspberry Pi, or automate reports showing how much you’ve saved. Solar power in Australia has never been cheaper – we’re seeing a meteoric rise in commercial solar installations nationwide, whether you’re Ikea or an SME – it’s time to go green and choose solar power for your business.

Which manufacturers offer tier 1 solar panels in 2021?

As per review.solar for Q1 2021:

  • LONGi
  • Jinko
  • JA Solar
  • Trina Solar
  • Canadian Solar
  • Risen
  • QCells
  • Suntech
  • Talesun
  • First Solar
  • ZNShine
  • Seraphim
  • Eging
  • Haitai New Energy
  • Astronergy
  • Jolywood
  • SunPower/ Maxeon
  • Jinergy
  • VSUN Solar
  • Jetion
  • LG Electronics
  • BYD
  • AE Solar
  • Phono Solar
  • Waaree
  • REC Group
  • URE
  • ET Solar
  • Renesola
  • Adani
  • Boviet
  • Vikram
  • Ulica
  • Leapton
  • Hansol
  • Kyocera
  • S-Energy
  • Recom
  • Shinsung
  • Heliene
  • Sharp
  • Swelect
  • Photowatt

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